Tag Archives: Chatbot

Are You Ready to Meet Snapchat My AI? Latest Feature


Key Points:

  • My AI is a chatbot powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology, which is designed to offer recommendations, answer questions, and converse with Snapchat users.
  • Snapchat’s My AI can be customized with a nickname and a custom Bitmoji avatar, and users can bring it into conversations with friends.
  • All conversations with My AI are stored until they are deleted, and Snapchatters can provide feedback to the team by long-pressing on any response from My AI to share what they would like to see more or less of.

Snapchat MY AI, the popular multimedia messaging app has introduced a new AI-powered chatbot named “My AI.” The feature aims to bring the power of artificial intelligence to social media and allow users to converse with a virtual assistant about various topics.

However, many users have raised concerns about the safety of using such a feature and whether their privacy is at risk. In this article, we will take a closer look at Snapchat’s AI chatbot, its safety, and how to use it effectively.

We will also explore some of the unique features of the chatbot and how it can enhance the Snapchat experience for users.

What is Snapchat My AI Chatbot?

Snapchat ai: My AI

My AI is an experimental, friendly chatbot available on Snapchat that can answer questions, offer advice, and make suggestions on various topics. Users can customize their experience with My AI by giving it a nickname and sharing their likes and dislikes. However, My AI’s responses may include biased or incorrect content, so users should independently verify its advice and avoid sharing sensitive information.

I named mine Steve.

The feature is powered by OpenAI’s ChatGPT technology and includes unique safety controls. Users can provide feedback on My AI by long pressing on any response. If sharing content generated by My AI, users should disclose that AI was involved.

Image by Souvik Banerjee from Pixabay

The attribute is energized by ChatGPT, which is a viral AI chatbot tool that can provide recommendations, answer queries, and engage in conversations with its users, similar to ChatGPT. However, Snapchat’s version has a few notable differences: users can personalize the chatbot’s name, design an exclusive Bitmoji avatar for it, and involve it in chats with their friends.

The recently launched chatbot on Snapchat, named ‘My AI’, has been created to integrate the potential of artificial intelligence into social media. This chatbot operates as a conversational companion, allowing Snapchat users to discuss various topics. In addition, it has been equipped with further capabilities that make it even more potent.

Is it Safe to Use Snapchat My AI Chatbot?


Snapchat’s AI Chatbot is just as safe and secure as Alexa, Siri, Cortana, and Google Assistant. The software aims to assist you while providing some amusement during the process.

This attribute is fueled by the trending AI chatbot tool ChatGPT, which, just like ChatGPT itself, has the capability to suggest, respond to queries, and hold conversations with its users.

While the tool is brand new and AI has been known to get a little, weird, Media is already raising alarms on newsfeeds:

ABC 7 News states: “The new tool is facing backlash not only from parents but also from some Snapchat users who are bombarding the app with bad reviews in the app store and criticisms on social media over privacy concerns, ‘creepy’ exchanges, and an inability to remove the feature from their chat feed unless they pay for a premium subscription.”

How Do I Remove Snapchat My AI From Snapchat?

Image by www_slon_pics from Pixabay

To begin with, it’s not possible to remove My AI from Snapchat unless the user subscribes to Snapchat+’s monthly premium service.

Many have reportedly chosen to pay the Snapchat+ fee of $3.99 to disable the tool temporarily before terminating their subscription to the social media platform.

Snapchat has now released its ChatGPT AI bot to all users for free, and it is automatically pinned to the top of the chat feed.

Unfortunately, there is no option to remove or unpin the AI bot unless users pay for a Snapchat Plus subscription.

As a result, My AI is now a permanent feature on Snapchat for users who do not subscribe to the premium service.

How Do You Access Snapchat My AI?

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

To reach My AI, swipe towards the right of the camera screen to unveil the chat screen. Do note that the functionality may still be unavailable for some users since it is being introduced gradually.

Furthermore, every discussion with My AI is conserved until it is eradicated.

  • All conversations with My AI are stored until the user decides to delete them. The chatbot improves its responses as it interacts more with the user.
  • To delete content sent to My AI, users can remove it within 24 hours. To delete all past conversations, users can go to Settings, Privacy Controls, and select “Clear My AI Data” to confirm.

What Can I Use Snapchat My AI For?

Image by Markus Winkler from Pixabay

First, you can use Snapchat AI, also known as My AI, for a variety of purposes, including answering trivia questions, providing advice on gifts or trip planning, suggesting meal ideas, and engaging in conversations with friends.

The AI bot is designed to be helpful and connect you with the people and things that matter most to you.

However, as with any AI, it’s important to independently verify the accuracy of the information provided and avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information.

Additionally, here are some tips for using Snapchat’s AI bot, My AI:

  1. Customize your chatbot: You can personalize your AI bot by giving it a nickname and designing a custom Bitmoji avatar for it.
  2. Test its abilities: Experiment with the types of questions you ask the AI bot to see how it can help you.
  3. Be aware of biases: While the AI bot is designed to be helpful, it may provide biased or incorrect information. Always double-check the accuracy of its responses before relying on its advice.
  4. Provide feedback: Long press on any response from My AI to give feedback on what you would like to see more or less of.
  5. Protect your privacy: Avoid sharing sensitive or confidential information with the AI bot, as it is not guaranteed to keep your information private.
  6. Stay up to date: Keep an eye out for updates and new features added to the AI bot, as Snapchat is constantly working to improve and evolve My AI.

Prompts for SnapChat My AI

Image by Lukas from Pixabay

Snapchat’s My AI feature is an experimental, friendly chatbot that can answer questions, provide advice, and entertain users. If you’re looking for a fun way to pass the time or spark up a conversation, My AI can be a great resource.

Furthermore, here are some prompts for SnapChat My AI:

  1. “What’s the weather like in [location] today?”
  2. “Can you recommend a good restaurant in [city]?”
  3. “What are some fun things to do in [location] this weekend?”
  4. “What’s the latest news on [topic]?”
  5. “How do I make a [dish] for dinner tonight?”
  6. “What’s the meaning of [word]?”
  7. “Can you suggest a good workout routine for me?”
  8. “What’s the best gift to get for my friend’s birthday?”
  9. “What’s the latest fashion trend for [season]?”
  10. “Can you recommend a good book to read?”

What should I ask my AI on Snapchat?

Image by MrJayW from Pixabay

Further, here are some additional prompts for Snapchat’s My AI:

  • First, you could ask: If you could have any superpower, but it had to be completely useless, what would it be?
  • Do you know any good jokes that are appropriate for all ages?
  • Can you come up with a creative new flavor for potato chips?
  • Imagine you are stranded on a desert island and could only have one book, one movie, and one song, what would they be?
  • Can you make up a funny song about a random object or animal?
  • If you could switch lives with any fictional character for a day, who would it be and why?
  • Do you have any tips for making a boring task more interesting?
  • If you could have a conversation with any historical figure, who would it be and what would you talk about?
  • Additionally, you can ask: Can you tell me a funny story about a robot who tried to take over the world but failed miserably?
  • If you were a character in a video game, what kind of game would it be and what would your special abilities be?
  • Can you come up with a clever new acronym for a word or phrase that doesn’t currently have one?

The Future of SEO Freelancing: AI Innovation


As I’m sure you’ve noticed, the future of freelancing is evolving at a rapid pace, and search engine optimization (SEO) is no exception. As businesses become more reliant on online platforms, the demand for freelance SEO professionals continues to rise.

Staying ahead of the competition in the face of complex search algorithms and a massive online content volume is overwhelming. Especially if you’re working as one person or a small team. This is where artificial intelligence (AI) comes in.

Furthermore, just the term AI can bring up a whole bundle of emotions from many different people with very different perspectives.

In fact, according to a survey, it was found that 63% of the companies intend to maintain or increase their spending on AI and machine learning in 2023.

But one thing, we should all be able to agree on is that by leveraging the power of machine learning and natural language processing, AI could definitely drive innovation in freelance SEO.

It’s now offering new ways to improve search rankings, increase website traffic, and deliver better results for clients.

In this article, we will explore the future of freelance SEO and how AI is revolutionizing the industry.

The global Artificial Intelligence market size was valued at $136.6 billion in 2022.

Understanding the Role of AI in Freelance SEO: An Overview

Artificial intelligence (AI) has transformed the way we approach search engine optimization (SEO), and it’s rapidly becoming an essential tool for freelance SEO professionals. Understanding the role of AI in freelance SEO is critical for staying competitive in the industry.

Additionally, AI technology offers a wealth of benefits, from automating routine tasks to providing real-time insights into search trends and consumer behavior.

With AI-powered tools, freelancers can analyze data more efficiently, identify new opportunities for optimization, and provide more accurate performance metrics to their clients.

The highest number of Alexa’s inventory skills are accessible in the US – about 66.000 skills.

AI plays a crucial role in SEO by enabling freelance professionals to analyze data more efficiently, automate routine tasks, and gain valuable insights into search trends and consumer behavior.

AI-powered tools can help SEO professionals identify new opportunities for optimization, refine content strategies, and provide accurate performance metrics to clients.

AI can also automate tasks such as keyword research, link building, and content analysis, freeing up more time for professionals to focus on strategy and delivering value to their clients.

The Future of SEO Freelancing: Tips and Strategies

The global AI market is projected to reach $1,811.8 billion by 2030.
  • Build a Strong Portfolio: As a freelancer, your portfolio is your calling card. Make sure to showcase your skills and experience by highlighting your best work and testimonials from satisfied clients.
  • Stay Up-to-Date with Industry Trends: The SEO industry is constantly evolving, so it’s important to stay informed about the latest trends and updates. Follow industry blogs and forums, attend conferences, and participate in online communities to keep your knowledge up-to-date.
  • Offer a Variety of Services: Freelance SEO professionals should offer a range of services, including keyword research, content creation, on-page optimization, and link building. This will help attract a wider range of clients and ensure a steady stream of work.
  • Communicate Clearly with Clients: Effective communication is key to building strong client relationships. Make sure to set clear expectations, provide regular updates, and be responsive to client needs and concerns.
  • Leverage AI and Automation Tools: As we discussed earlier, AI and automation tools can help streamline your workflow, improve efficiency, and deliver better results for clients. Consider investing in these tools to stay competitive and deliver top-notch service to your clients.
  • Focus on Quality Over Quantity: Rather than focusing solely on increasing traffic or rankings, prioritize quality content and user experience. This will help build trust and authority with both search engines and users.

Future of Freelance SEO: Using AI as an SEO Freelancer

As search engines continue to evolve, so too does the world of search engine optimization (SEO). Freelance SEO professionals must stay up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies to remain competitive in the industry.

Furthermore, the AI market is expanding at a CAGR of 38.1% between 2022 to 2030.

Further, one of the most significant developments in SEO in recent years has been the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI-powered tools and algorithms can help freelancers streamline their workflow, optimize content, and deliver better results for their clients.

The future of SEO freelancing: It is estimated that there will be 7.296 billion smartphone users worldwide by 2025. As we said earlier, making mobile-friendly websites should be one of the most important factors while optimizing them for search engines.
  • Keyword Research: AI-powered keyword research tools can help you identify high-volume, low-competition keywords that are relevant to your client’s business. These tools can analyze search trends and user behavior to provide insights into the most effective keywords to target.
  • Content Creation: AI-powered content creation tools can help you generate high-quality content quickly and efficiently. These tools use natural language processing (NLP) to analyze data and generate content that is optimized for search engines.
  • On-Page Optimization: AI-powered tools can help you identify on-page optimization opportunities, such as improving page load speed, optimizing meta tags, and identifying broken links. These tools can also help you analyze user behavior and provide recommendations for improving user experience.
  • Link Building: AI-powered link-building tools can help you identify high-quality backlink opportunities, analyze competitor backlinks, and monitor your own backlink profile for potential issues.
  • Reporting and Analytics: AI-powered reporting and analytics tools can help you track key performance indicators (KPIs), monitor website traffic and rankings, and generate automated reports for your clients.

The Future of SEO Freelancing: AI-Driven SEO Tools

To begin, search engine optimization (SEO) has come a long way since its inception, and today, it’s a highly complex and ever-evolving field. To stay ahead of the game, SEO freelancers must continually adapt and innovate to meet the demands of their clients.

Finally, one of the most significant developments in the world of SEO has been the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) technology. AI-driven SEO tools can help freelancers streamline their workflow, optimize content, and deliver better results for their clients.

  • Alli AI: A tool that can automate SEO efforts for companies, allowing SEO teams or agencies to optimize their sites in minutes.
  • RankIQ: A tool that provides keyword suggestions based on user intent, content analysis, and AI technology to help users improve their SEO strategy.
  • Frase: A tool that helps create effective content briefs and outlines by analyzing existing content and using AI to generate new content ideas.
  • Surfer SEO: A tool that provides on-page optimization recommendations and analysis based on AI algorithms and machine learning.
  • Diib: A tool that provides an SEO dashboard with personalized recommendations and a comprehensive site audit to help users improve their SEO.
  • Outranking: A tool designed specifically for solo freelance content creators that offers an all-in-one SEO solution, including keyword research, content optimization, and analytics.
  • NeuronWriter: A tool that uses AI to assist with content creation and optimization for SEO purposes, providing suggestions for headlines, meta descriptions, and more.
  • SEMrush: An all-in-one SEO tool that provides keyword research, site audits, and competitive analysis to help users improve their SEO strategy.

List of Chatbots for SEO Freelancing

First, here is a list of some well-known chatbots. However, while some chatbots on this list can be used today, others are simply listed for reference:

  • Albert One: A chatbot developed by Robby Garner that won the Loebner Prize in 1998 and 1999.
  • A.L.I.C.E.: A chatbot developed by Richard Wallace that won the Loebner Prize in 2001, 2002, and 2004.
  • Bard: An artificial intelligence chatbot designed for use in text-based role-playing games.
  • Braina: A personal assistant chatbot that can be used to control computers and perform various tasks.
  • Charlix: An open-source chatbot that uses natural language processing to converse with users.
  • ChatGPT: A prototype artificial intelligence chatbot that can answer questions and engage in conversations.
  • Cleverbot: A chatbot that won the 2010 Mechanical Intelligence Competition.
  • Eugene Goostman: A chatbot developed by Vladimir Veselov that won the 2012 Turing 100 competition.
  • Fred: An early chatbot developed by Robby Garner.
  • Jabberwacky: A chatbot that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to converse with users.
  • Jeeney AI: A chatbot that can engage in natural conversations and answer questions.
  • Lenny: An audio bot designed to annoy telemarketers by engaging in long, nonsensical conversations.
  • MegaHAL: A chatbot that uses Markov models to generate responses based on previous conversations.
  • Mitsuku: A chatbot that won the Loebner Prize in 2013, 2016, and 2017.
  • SimSimi: A popular artificial intelligence conversation program created in 2002 by ISMaker.
  • Spookitalk: A chatterbot used for non-playable characters in Douglas Adams’ Starship Titanic video game.
  • Ultra Hal: A chatbot developed by Robert Medeksza that won the Loebner Prize in 2007.
  • Verbot: A chatbot that uses artificial intelligence and natural language processing to engage in conversations.

The Best AI Prompts for SEO: ChatGPT


Key Points:

  • AI can help SEO experts to identify trends, analyze data, and optimize content for search engines.
  • AI-powered chatbots can improve customer experience and engagement, resulting in increased traffic and better SEO performance.
  • Google’s algorithm updates, such as RankBrain and BERT, utilize AI to better understand user intent and deliver more relevant search results.

So, you’re here looking for The Best AI Prompts for SEO. It’s simple, all you need to do is use an AI like ChatGPT or Bard and get to prompting!

In today’s digital age, search engine optimization (SEO) has become a crucial aspect of online marketing. AI-generated content has revolutionized the way businesses approach SEO, enabling them to create high-quality, engaging content that appeals to both search engines and human readers.

In fact, Tech Jury reports that AI-powered voice assistants are used, with a usage rate of 97%. Over 4 billion devices currently operate on AI-powered voice assistants, demonstrating their widespread adoption. Additionally, 40% of individuals use the voice search feature at least once daily.

As a large language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT has been designed to generate AI prompts that can help businesses optimize their content for SEO.

These prompts cover a wide range of topics and can be used to create engaging, informative content that ranks high in search engine results pages (SERPs).

In this article, we’ll explore some of the best AI prompts for SEO generated by ChatGPT.

Let’s jump into the basics:

What are SEO Prompts?

The global Artificial Intelligence market size was valued at $136.6 billion in 2022.

SEO prompts are essentially ideas or suggestions that can be used to improve the search engine optimization (SEO) of a website or piece of content. These prompts may come in the form of keywords, topics, or even specific phrases that can help businesses create content that is more likely to rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Additionally, Around 37% of businesses and organizations use AI technology in their operations. In fact:

  • Over 90% of top businesses invest in AI, but 15% use AI capabilities in their work.
  • AI’s growth will eliminate 85M jobs & create 97M new ones by 2025.

SEO prompts may be generated by various sources, including AI-powered tools like ChatGPT, which can analyze search data and provide suggestions based on the keywords and topics that are most relevant to a particular business or industry.

By incorporating these prompts into their SEO strategy, businesses can improve their website’s visibility, drive more traffic to their site, and ultimately increase their revenue and conversions.

The Best AI Prompts for SEO

Were you aware that the value of the global AI market is predicted to reach $267 billion by 2027? Notably, tech giants such as Elon Musk are competing with ChatGPT by developing their own AI technology.

The overall impact of AI on the worldwide economy is expected to reach $15.7 trillion by the year 2030! AI implementation by 2025 are expected to lead to the loss of 85 million jobs. While creating 97 million new ones, resulting in a net increase of 12 million jobs.

With that said, I asked ChatGPT to generate some of its best AI prompts for SEO, here’s a summary list of that response!

Here are some of the best AI prompts for SEO:

The global AI market is projected to reach $1,811.8 billion by 2030.
  • Businesses can create a blog post outlining the top 10 ways to enhance their SEO strategy.
  • ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts can assist marketers in creating a list of the top 5 SEO tools every business should be familiar with.
  • By using ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts, businesses can create an article detailing the significance of backlinks for SEO, and how they can obtain them.
  • AI-generated prompts can guide businesses to produce a product review on popular SEO tools or software.
  • With the aid of AI-generated prompts, businesses can create a comprehensive guide on how to conduct keyword research for SEO purposes.
  • AI-generated prompts can assist businesses in writing an article on the benefits of local SEO and how they can optimize their content for it.
  • Using ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts, businesses can create a frequently asked questions (FAQ) page about SEO, answering common queries about the topic.
  • By leveraging ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts, businesses can create a case study that showcases how they improved their SEO strategy and the results they achieved.
  • ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts can guide businesses to create a comparison article on two popular SEO strategies and which one yields better results.
  • With the help of ChatGPT’s AI-generated prompts, businesses can create an infographic that highlights the top SEO trends for the year.

How Can an SEO Expert Use AI?

An SEO expert can use AI in several ways to enhance their SEO strategy, including:

  1. Content creation: AI-generated content can help SEO experts create high-quality, engaging, and relevant content for their website, blog, or social media channels. AI-powered tools can assist in generating content ideas, optimizing keyword usage, and improving readability.
  2. Keyword research: AI-powered tools can assist in identifying relevant keywords and search queries that are popular among users, making it easier for SEO experts to create content that resonates with their target audience.
  3. Predictive analytics: AI can analyze large amounts of data to predict search engine algorithm changes, website traffic patterns, and user behavior, allowing SEO experts to develop more effective optimization strategies.
  4. Technical SEO: AI-powered tools can analyze websites for technical issues such as broken links, duplicate content, and page speed, helping SEO experts identify and fix issues that can impact search engine rankings.
  5. Personalization: AI can help SEO experts personalize their content to better target specific audiences by analyzing user data, such as location, search history, and behavior patterns.

Overall, AI can help SEO experts streamline their processes, identify opportunities, and optimize their strategies to improve search engine rankings and drive more traffic to their websites.

Can ChatGPT help with SEO?

The highest number of Alexa’s inventory skills are accessible in the US – about 66.000 skills.

The short answer is yes, ChatGPT can help with SEO. As a large language model trained by OpenAI, ChatGPT can generate AI prompts that can assist businesses in creating content that is optimized for search engines. These prompts cover a wide range of topics, from keyword research and content creation to technical SEO and backlinks, helping businesses create engaging, informative, and relevant content that ranks higher in search engine results pages (SERPs).

Furthermore, ChatGPT can assist with the optimization of meta descriptions and title tags, two important components of on-page SEO. By analyzing the content of a webpage, ChatGPT can suggest improvements to these components that can increase click-through rates and improve search engine visibility.

Overall, ChatGPT can be a valuable tool for businesses looking to enhance their SEO strategy, by providing them with AI-generated prompts and suggestions that can help them create optimized content and improve their search engine rankings.

Will ChatGPT replace SEO?

The short answer here is no.

ChatGPT will not replace SEO. While AI-generated prompts and tools can help businesses optimize their content and improve their search engine rankings, they cannot replace the need for a comprehensive SEO strategy that includes keyword research, on-page optimization, technical SEO, and link building.

AI technologies are tools that can assist SEO experts. They can help to optimize their content and improve their search engine rankings. They cannot replace human expertise and decision-making.

AI can assist in generating ideas and analyzing data, but ultimately, it is up to the SEO expert or business to make decisions based on their unique goals, industry, and target audience.

In summary, AI technologies are powerful tools that can help businesses enhance their SEO strategy. They cannot replace the need for a comprehensive and human-driven SEO approach.

In fact, here’s a cool video about why AI will not be replacing SEO experts:

Bonus AI Prompts for SEO

First, AI can be used for, damn near anything. While I prefer to prompt it to paraphrase content or make bullet points. You may find some of these prompts pretty cool!

Furthermore, here are the 50 AI prompts you can use right now:

  1. Top 10 SEO tips for beginners
  2. How to conduct keyword research for your business
  3. Importance of mobile optimization for SEO
  4. How to optimize your website for local search
  5. How to improve your website’s load time for better SEO
  6. What are backlinks and why do they matter for SEO?
  7. How to create an effective meta description for your webpage
  8. What is the Google algorithm and how does it impact SEO?
  9. How to optimize your website’s images for SEO
  10. Top 5 tools for conducting SEO audits
  11. How to create a content strategy for SEO success
  12. How to use long-tail keywords to rank higher in search results
  13. How to optimize your website’s navigation for better SEO
  14. What are internal links and how can they improve SEO?
  15. How to write a blog post that is optimized for search engines
  16. How to optimize your website’s URL structure for better SEO
  17. What is off-page SEO and why is it important?
  18. How to use social media for SEO success
  19. How to create an effective title tag for your webpage
  20. What are meta keywords and do they matter for SEO?
  21. How to optimize your website’s content for voice search
  22. How to use schema markup for better search engine visibility
  23. How to optimize your website’s content for featured snippets
  24. What are the most common SEO mistakes to avoid?
  25. How to track and analyze your website’s SEO performance

*deep breath*

Additionally, here are 25 more:

  1. What is a sitemap and how can it improve SEO?
  2. How to optimize your website’s content for Google’s E-A-T criteria
  3. How to conduct a competitor analysis for better SEO
  4. What are Google’s penalties and how can you avoid them?
  5. How to optimize your website’s content for the Google Knowledge Graph
  6. How to optimize your website’s content for semantic search
  7. What is link building and how can it improve SEO?
  8. How to optimize your website’s content for featured snippets
  9. How to optimize your website’s content for local search
  10. What are the best practices for optimizing images for SEO?
  11. How to optimize your website’s content for international SEO
  12. How to optimize your website’s content for voice search
  13. How to optimize your website’s content for video SEO
  14. How to optimize your website’s content for image search
  15. How to optimize your website’s content for news SEO
  16. What are the best practices for optimizing meta descriptions?
  17. How to optimize your website’s content for podcasts
  18. How to optimize your website’s content for FAQ pages
  19. How to optimize your website’s content for knowledge panels
  20. How to optimize your website’s content for site links
  21. How to optimize your website’s content for breadcrumbs
  22. How to optimize your website’s content for rich snippets
  23. How to optimize your website’s content for the Google Search Console
  24. How to optimize your website’s content for Google My Business
  25. How to optimize your website’s content for the Bing Webmaster Tools

Extra Prompts

The things you can ask AI to answer or do for you are endless. Just be careful to note that AI is still in its infancy, and it may generate not so right answers. So, be sure to fact check everything!

Here are some extra goodies:

  • Do you know the name of the world’s tallest mountain?
  • Can you translate English words into Spanish?
  • What are the differences between an iceberg and a glacier?
  • How many war stories are you familiar with?
  • Who is credited with inventing the telephone?
  • Which stories are you familiar with?
  • Who is the author of the novel “Wuthering Heights”?
  • What are the differences between a typhoon and a hurricane?
  • Which stories about famous athletes are you aware of?
  • What is the name of the largest bird of prey in the world?
  • Could you recommend a nature and wildlife podcast?
  • What is the chemical symbol for gold?
  • What are the differences between vegetables and fruits?
  • How many interesting or fun facts do you know?